10GB Plan Call SIM (Monthly Payment ¥2800)
10GB Plan Call SIM (Monthly Payment ¥2800)
★ No credit card required! (クレジットカード不要!)
★ NTT Docomo Network 4G / 5G (Default 4G)(初期設定は4G)
★ ¥2800 / month Prepay for next month's fees (2800円/月 月々前払い)
★ Initial costs ¥3800 (初期費用 3800円)
★ Voice Call Fees - ¥25 per 1 minute (1分間の通話料金 - 25円)
★ SMS - ¥7 / massage (SMS送信料 - 7円)
★ overseas SMS - ¥120 / massage (海外へのSMS送信料 - 120円)
★ Please pay the monthly fee by the 25th of each month (月々の料金は25日までにお支払いください。)
★ Preparation (ご用意いただくもの)
● Personal Identification Document (本人確認書類)
□ Residence Card or Alien Registration Card (Front and reverse side) (在留カードまたは外国人登録証明書 表裏両面)
□ Driver's License (issued in Japan)(Front and reverse side) (運転免許証 表裏面両面)
□ My Number Card (Individual Number Card)(Front side) (マイナンバーカード 表面)
● E-mail adress
★ Call SIM features (通話SIMの機能)
● Unused data from your plan will roll over to the next month(余ったデータ量は、翌月に繰り越せます)
● High-speed connectivity on 5G (The default setting is 4G) (5Gで高速通信(初期設定は4G))
● International calls are affordable ¥320 / minute (国際通話は、320円/分)